Light Whipped Coffee Recipe

Have you heard of whipped coffee?

It’s a homemade coffee craze that has stormed the internet – especially in light of the Coronavirus and everyone having to quarantine and stay at home! Here is my version of this delicious light whipped coffee recipe!

How you like your coffee is completely dependent on YOU and YOUR taste buds. A few years ago, I put SO much cream an sugar in my coffee each morning that you could hardly call it COFFEE. Over the years, I have acquired a taste for the less sweetened coffee. I even drink it black most days now!

A while back, I found a whipped coffee recipe on Pinterest and gave it a try. I was like WHOA, EXCUSE ME… why is this a craze?! It was SO strong and I literally had to pour it out and not drink it.

Almost every recipe that I found and tried for whipped coffee was the exact same — SO super strong.

As I said before… I think whether someone finds a coffee recipe to be delicious or not is completely dependent on how they prefer their coffee to begin with!

My Siberian Husky, Sky, SERIOUSLY wanted this whipped coffee as a snack!

I love the idea of whipped coffee… so, I tried a variety of combinations until I found the one that tasted great to me!


  • 1 TBSP Instant Coffee
  • 2 TBSP Sugar
  • 2 TBSP Hot Water
  • 1/2 Cup Milk
  • Ice


  • Combine instant coffee, sugar, and water in a bowl.
  • Using a hand mixer, mix on medium-high for 2-3 minutes… or until the coffee mixture becomes frothy and has stiff peaks.
  • Grab your glass and add some ice and 1/2 cup of milk.
  • Pour the whipped coffee on the milk!


  • Some coffee brands are stronger than others. We get ours at Aldi and it’s a nice medium roast!
  • I am a REAL SUGAR kinda gal… if I’m going to have something sweet it’s going to be real. I believe, however, that the other forms of sugar may work in this recipe as well. It may effect the fluffiness of the whip, though!
  • My husband and I didn’t exactly know the correct way to drink whipped coffee. So, we decided that it works best for us to stick a straw in it and mix it little by little as you drink. You can find my metal reusable and washable straws here!
My sweet Huskers couldn’t resist being the center of my photo session!

I found that adding less coffee makes the overall flavor less strong – which was my goal! I am ALWAYS looking for ways to make my coffee more exciting and delicious! Drop a comment below on YOUR favorite way to have whipped coffee!

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Light Whipped Coffee Recipe