Shopping Lists + Planner Page FREE PRINTABLE!! {Fits the Classic Happy Planner}

I love my Happy Planner. I think that the concept of the disc binding is genius… it feels like a normally bound planner while everything inside the planner is completely removable and rearrangeable. Which is AWESOME when you’re constantly thinking of new things you want in your planner to make it even more AMAZING.

Each week I come up with a list of groceries I need. I’m sure most people do this on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Perhaps you only shop at ONE grocery store… consider yourself lucky. My husband loves finding the best bang for our bucks… so each week we shop for groceries at Sams Club, Aldi, and Publix. So after I write down what I need for the week, I sort through the list and decide where I’m getting which item. It usually gets put onto a random piece of paper… which I lose… and then totally WING IT at the grocery store and overspend.

Perhaps I’m completely alone in this scenario… but either way, I created a weekly planner page to try and help myself out!

I didn’t want this page to be ALONE in my planner, so I created a weekly spread for the left side. I think I’m going to use it as a weekly cleaning to do list.

I tried it out for a week and I LOVE it. I decided that I wanted to share the remainder of 2019 here at Designing Tomorrow as a freebie. Who doesn’t love freebies??!

I am still new to figuring out how to make a PDF editable… but I *believe* that if you open it with Adobe you should be able to edit it. I believe. I used the font “Calibri Light” as the parts you’d need to edit. I believe this comes on most computers as default.


Print at 100% and it should be the correct size for a CLASSIC HAPPY PLANNER.

Please don’t go and sell this document, it’s not meant for selling… it’s meant for being FREE and HAPPY. 🙂

Comment and let me know how you used this spread! OR, EVEN BETTER — decorate it up and TAG me in your spread on IG, @AngelaPlans!

Click on the image below to shop all of my favorite planning products!

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