Do you have a goal to get more familiar with the bible? On this post, you will find free printable bookmarks to download and print to help you as you study the bible this year!
I do this in addition to daily devotions because I like to get better and better acquainted with researching the Bible on my own. This is the 9th year that I’ve done this Bible study and there is always more to learn.
For years, I did my study chronologically. Meaning, I wanted to sort the Bible out in the order that it was written. The original Bible study came from this site here.
Classic vs. Chronological
Last year, I did my study a little differently. I did the “classic” reading plan. Honestly, I LOVE venturing through the three types of writings each day. It keeps me on my toes and I’m never bogged down with months of one genre.

There are a few things that I decided to change about the original study. Don’t get me wrong, I love the plans that Bible Study Tools produces… I just found a few things that made more sense in my mind than the original had.

In this post, I have two main types of freebies. The first is a 3 page PDF of the yearly study. Perhaps you want to print it off and keep it for your daily use. Or, you can upload it to the Goodnotes app and use for highlighting the passages you have completed.
Click to download the printable PDF of the Classic Bible Study!

The next freebie that I have here are bookmarks. They will download in JPG format. I suggest opening them up and sizing them to your liking. I love using PowerPoint because, unlike Microsoft Word, you are able to move the images around freely and reformat easily.

If you are doing this study in a leap year, I suggest reading the 28th twice OR skipping the day.

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions AND how I can pray for you!
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