A year in Pixels Bullet Journal – Free Digital Download!

I was a blogger at WeeShare.net for YEARS. Then, one day I went to renew the domain name only to find that they had deleted the blog + my email address. I fought for MONTHS to get it back with no luck. The blog died along with most of the posts that my sister in law and myself worked so hard on for years. Luckily, I had recently been revamping the blog with new Pinterest images and had saved most of the most popular content on my flash drive {PRAISE!}. So, I’m going to be reposting many of the downloads and recipes here at Designing Tomorrow.

Click Here to download the free printable download!

First up is a free bullet journal digital download! -> A Year in Pixels! This was not my original idea, I saw it on Instagram somewhere and decided to give it my own flare. So, major credit goes to whoever originally came up with this idea!

You can print this BUJO download and put it in your Happy Planner, glue it in your BUJO, or put it in your A5. You can also use it however else you see fit in your life!

Click Here to download the free printable download!